Thursday, June 30, 2011

K is for Kyristan.

This is my first time participating in Alphabe-Thursday, check it out!!

K is for Kyristan, my little man K, who starts Kindergarten this Fall! 

I love the Preschool years, so many curious questions and funny thoughts.

“What’s that?”  “My elbow”  “Why is it on the outside?”

“Why’s this full of water?” (snowglobe)

Kicking a stuffed doggy down the stairs doesn’t hurt him, “he’s not real. “

If I have a nighttime accident, “the bed won’t get wet, my jammies will!”


“Mommy, when can I have a brother? “

“Call me K, like everyone else”

“It’s only a Gummy worm, it’s not real!”

“I gotta poop!” (while being fitted for a tux)(during a toast at the wedding)

“I’m not allowed to carry the eggs.”

“Why do you have a turtle?” (stuffed souvenir)

“What are you laughing at? “You”  “I’m not funny!”

Oh, my little man K, you are growing up so fast. I am going to miss the cute little things you say and do.  The kisses and hugs that you will grow out of, and the way you let me take a photo of you no matter what!

My little man is growing up, the love you bring to me gets bigger each day, to. K is for Kyristan, my little man K.

Jenny Matlock

COPYRIGHT T.K.Alexzander; June 2011.


  1. He sounds adorable and yes he will grow up fast. I can't believe how fast they do grow up. Enjoy!

  2. My baby just graduated kindergarten and will go into first grade this fall. It will be his first time at going to school all day. It's a little sad and exciting all at the same time.

    I'm visiting from Alphabe-Thursday. Have a great weekend!

  3. I love his name! My son will also be starting kinder in the fall. Its so cliche to say, but they DO grow up so fast...

  4. I love his questions and his joy of the world. What a wonderful little man.

  5. Sounds like a sweet boy! They grow so quickly.

  6. I love the way children look at the world.

    What a sweet child you have!

    Thanks for sharing your joy with us and giving us this smile.


  7. You didn't come back! I hope you weren't offended!
